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Female, 49 Years

Fatima B.

Female, 49 Years

Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

French tutor in Hong Kong Island


Born in France, I am an enthusiast by nature, curious, hard worker, and self-starter. I have had the opportunity to work in different countries throughout my career and have always... Read more

  • HK$400

    Hourly rate
  • 9

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Educational Qualification

DAFLE Training ( Teaching French as a foreign language )


  • Hong Kong
  • 2020

Learning Materials

PPT Slides

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Video lessons

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Study Notes

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Questions for You

Q: What kind of materials and resources do you use in your classes?

Livres, Audios, Jeux, Art

Q: How do you incorporate speaking, listening, writing, and reading in your lessons?

Avec du matériel et pour les enfants des livres et des chansons

Q: Do you offer homework assignments or practice exercises?


Q: How do you help students with pronunciation and accent?

Beaucoup de phonétique

Q: How do you teach French grammar and vocabulary?


Q: Can you adapt your teaching style for different learning styles?


Q: Do you provide any additional resources or support outside of lessons such as language exchanges or cultural events?


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