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Trinity Tutors in Sai Pin Wai, Yuen Long

Find the best Trinity tutors in Sai Pin Wai, Yuen Long. Get personalized one-on-one learning to boost your grades with our skilled English tutors. Get Test Prep and Homework assistance too.

3 Trinity Tutors Found

Tas N.

Tas N.

Yuen Long, Hong Kong
  • British English, Grammar, IELTS, Listening Comprehension, Trinity
Expert English tutor in Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong.
Dear Parent, I hope this message finds you well. As a highly experienced English tutor with four years of teaching in a private primary school and ...
  • British English, Grammar, IELTS, Listening Comprehension, Trinity
Expert English tutor in Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong.
Dear Parent, I hope this message finds you well. As a highly experienced English tutor with four years of teaching in a private primary school and ...
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Shayna H.

Shayna H.

Yuen Long, Hong Kong
  • British English, Grammar, Speaking English, Trinity, Writing Comprehension
Yuen Long's certified Phonics teacher and English tutor.
Qualifications: - Lived in England for ten years. - Fluent in English equivalent to a native speaker. - Bachelor of Childhood Studies. - PolyU cer...
  • British English, Grammar, Speaking English, Trinity, Writing Comprehension
Yuen Long's certified Phonics teacher and English tutor.
Qualifications: - Lived in England for ten years. - Fluent in English equivalent to a native speaker. - Bachelor of Childhood Studies. - PolyU cer...
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Sehar N.

Sehar N.

Yuen Long, Hong Kong
  • American English, IELTS, Trinity, Vocabulary, Writing Comprehension
Meeting all your tuition needs in the English subject.
My aim as a tutor is to create in my students a deep understanding and confidence in answering exam questions, as well as being able to tackle new and...
  • American English, IELTS, Trinity, Vocabulary, Writing Comprehension
Meeting all your tuition needs in the English subject.
My aim as a tutor is to create in my students a deep understanding and confidence in answering exam questions, as well as being able to tackle new and...
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  • Online Tutoring
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